Our team

The Doctoral Program in Sports Medicine of the University of Tsukuba is comprised of a diverse group of health-care professionals, including orthopedic surgeons, cardiologists, rehabilitation physicians, exercise physiologists, exercise epidemiologists, athletic trainers, physical therapists, and acupuncturists. Our well-rounded team can address specific sports- or health-related needs and physical conditions with the unified goal of assisting injured athletes and patients in regaining and optimizing their physical mobility and motor function, speeding their return to a healthy daily life, and optimizing their work and athletic performance.


Medical Conditioning
KUNO Shinya Exercise and community system for prevention of lifestyle-related diseases and long-term care (frailty)
SAGAYAMA Hiroyuki Health and performance in exercise clinical nutrition
SHIBATA Ai Physical activity promotion and sedentary behavior reduction for health maintenance and promotion
 SUGASAWA Takehito RNA-Seq and analysis, gene-doping
TAKAHASHI Hideyuki Morphological and qualitative characteristics of skeletal muscle and effective conditioning for human high performance
TAKEKOSHI Kazuhiro Detection of gene doping by liquid biopsy


Athletic Training
FUKUDA Takashi Training and conditioning for athletes
 KUDO Shigeru Effects of Acupuncture, Moxibustion and massage in the field of sports and support of visually impaired athletes
MUKAI Naoki Mechanism and treatment of sports injuries
 SADO Natsuki Biomechanical relationship between human morphology and motor performance
 TAKEMURA Masahiro Sports injury prevention and reconditioning for return to play
WADA Tsunehiko Effects of massage in the field of sports and support of handicapped athletes
WATANABE Koichi Clinical internal sports medicine focusing on respiratory and immune function


Sports Translational Research
HADA Yasushi Health care and improvement competitive ability for parasports athletes
KANAMORI Akihiro Prevention and treatment of injury in knee joint and biomechanics
 KOSAKI Keisei Exercise and cardiorenal syndrome
NAKATA Yoshio Exercise epidemiology, sport statistics, and research design


Sports Translational Research
(Cooperative Graduate School)
Support technology for extending healthy life expectancy
TARUMI Takashi
Brain and cardiovascular function with aging and exercise


The faculty member marked with ○ will be applicable for the main academic advisor.
Applicants who desired faculty members of the Cooperative Graduate School as a main academic advisor have to contact the Chair of Doctoral Program in Sports Medicine, Prof. TAKAHASHI Hideyuki, in advance of the application.
(AIST) National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology

Faculty (Japanese)